Stafford Area Improvement Programme

Vertex Systems Engineering provided the Safety Engineering services to the Stafford area improvement programme delivered by the Staffordshire Alliance for the approval under the Common Safety Method for the bi-directional signalling and the Stafford Freight Loop that has recently achieved a major milestone with regards its construction.

The Railway around Stafford is one of the most extensively used in the UK network. Challenges with respect to capability in the Stafford area were highlighted in the 2003 West Coast Main Line Strategy that concluded a requirement for capacity and performance improvements will be key for the Stafford area to realise its overall potential of the routes capacity.

To realise this potential, the Stafford Area improvement project was remitted to provide the following;

  • Additional passenger train capacity;
    Additional Freight train capacity and
    Improvement to performance and journey times of the services passing through the Stafford area.

This will be undertaken by a number of enhancements to be developed by the project in the Stafford area the remaining major stages being;

  • Norton Bridge Grade Separation, including Fast Line speed increases and
    Slow line speed increases between Stafford and Basford Hall Junction.

Deliverables Include:

  • Provision of Safety Engineering in accordance with Common Safety Method on risk evaluation and assessment as referred to by Regulation 352/2009;
    HAZID/HAZOP analysis and
    Safety Assessment Report for AsBo assessment

Please follow the below link to read more about the Stafford area improvement programme;

Stafford Area Improvement Programme